How to create a customer application form and approve new retailers

At Candid we verify every new company that signs up for an account. We do this by requiring all new buyers and sellers to fill out a brief registration form and provide information about their wholesale business. We do not collect any state or regional business license information but we do ask for their full name, business name, email, phone number, and where they buy/sell wholesale goods.

However, if you would like to collect additional information from potential buyers when sharing your catalog and storefront links, we have an application form that you can require all new buyers to fill out before they can view your products and place orders with you.

To customize and enable the Customer Application form, click on the Customers tab:

Then click on Application in the sub-menu:

From here you can customize the form however you like. You can require your customers to fill in all or some of the options seen here:

You can also create your own custom verification fields:

When you have your form built the way you like it click "Enable" to set it live:

Now when you share your catalog or storefront links, all new customers will need to fill out the application before they can view your catalog or place an order with you.

You will be notified when a customer fills out your form and new applications will also appear on your Customers page for you to approve or reject:


Will reps need to fill out the application form?

No. If you have sales reps they will not need to fill out the application. Only buyers will need to complete the form.

What does my catalog look like to an unapproved buyer?

Your customers won't be able to view any of your catalog's products until they submit the application and you approve them. Your catalog will look similar to the image below:

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