How to communicate with your buyers directly in Candid

In Candid you have the ability to send messages directly to your buyer by using the Messages tab in the top right corner of orders:

To send a message to your buyer type your message and click the Send button:

Common questions about messaging

  • How will my customer know they have a message?
    Your buyer will get an email letting them know they have a new message from you. The email will link them back to the order you sent the message in regards to. All messages you send will be logged under the messages tab.

  • How can I send invoice reminders to my customer?
    Once an invoice has been sent you can click on the Send Reminder button to send your customer a reminder that payment for their invoice is due.

  • Where does further communication with the retailer happen after an invoice is sent?
    Communication with your buyer can continue to happen in the order's messages tab even after the invoice has been sent.

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