How to resize product images

Sometimes you need to edit your product images so that they show up in your catalog in a uniform manner. Now you can edit images directly in Candid so that you don't have to spend extra time re-editing and uploading them to get them just right.

In the example below I am going to be resizing the Avenno Sandal on the right so that its the same height as the other two pairs of sandals:

How to use the product manager to edit images

To get started head to your product manager page and find the product you want to edit. In the example below we've used the filters to search for all the sandals.

Step 1

Click on the name of the product you would like to edit:

Step 2

In the product editor, click on the Images tab:

Step 3

Hover your cursor over the image you would like to edit. Then click on the cropping tool seen in the upper left corner of the image:

Step 4

From here you will see a few different ways you can change the image size:

Editing option #1 - use the drag & drop cropping tool

One of the easiest ways to resize an image is to use your mouse cursor to drag & drop the corners of the image into the size you would like it to be:

Editing option #2 - choose portrait vs square

Editing option #3 - resize by ratio

Don't forget to click Save when your done!

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