How to add a wholesale widget to your website

The widget allows you to copy and paste code into a page on your ecommerce website that links directly to your Candid Storefront.

To find the widget code, head to your Connect page and scroll down to where you will find the code at the bottom of the page:

You have five different colors to choose from to help match the widget to the look of your website. Simply choose the color you like and then copy the code seen on the right. Once you have the code copied you can paste the code into any page on your website. Note that you made need to have some coding skills to get the placement just right on your website. Let us know if you have questions about this.

Once the widget is embedded into your site, your customers can click on the link and it will take them to your Candid Storefront where they can then log in or create a new account for placing orders.

Click on one of the links below to find more instructions on how to embed the widget code:




Need to pre-approve your customers first?

If you don't want everyone that visits your website to have a direct link to your wholesale storefront one option is to hide the storefront widget on a password-protected page on your ecommerce site that only your approved buyers have access to. If you don't have one already, a password-protected page is a common feature in most ecommerce sites and your provider will likely have a template for this that you can quickly add to your site.

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